Moderne Kunst / Modern Art

"correct or incorrect / important or unimportant / real or unreal / just or unjust / pretty or hideous / complete or incomplete / certain or uncertain / sick or healthy / the same or different / legal or illegal / right or wrong / quite little or quite a lot / pure or impure / hopeful or pessimistic / meaningful or meaningless / weak or powerful / determined or hesitant / useful or useless / proper or improper / reasonable or unreasonable / safe or dangerous / complex or simple / free or oppressed / obedient or inobedient / satisfied or unsatisfied / against one another or for one another / social or antisocial / political or apolitical / knowing or unknowing / guilty or not guilty / active or passive / private or public / in vain or successful / inexpensive or expensive / welcomed or violating / authoritarian or free-moving / conscious or unconscious / gentle or violent / legitimate or illegitimate / changeable or permanent / protected or unprotected / secret or open / ridiculous or serious / obligatory or unobligatory / privileged or without a chance / dependent or independent / ordered or confused / unscrupulous or responsible / senseless or sensible / leading or final / loud or quiet / credible or incredible / alone or with others ..."

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